"Oh for a thousand tongues to sing my great redeemer's praise!"...this is a line from a favorite hymn of mine. I love this line, because it catches exactly how my heart feels when I'm praising God....it's like I don't have the ability to express my praise with just my one mouth (however big it may be). The Bible says that we were created to praise God and bring Him glory & honor with every ounce of our being. I am convinced that when we do just that, we are truly fulfilling our greatest purpose in life!
There is no high like praising the MOST HIGH (a favorite quote from Beth Moore)!!!
One of my favorite things in all the world is walking my 4 mile route through my neighborhood while listening to my favorite praise songs. If you were to drive past me anywhere along that route, it would not be unusual to see me with my hands held high and singing along....a bit unusual, I suppose, compared to most of the other people out walking/running -- but it is, BY FAR, the BEST way to start the day!!!
The beauty of worship is how God even allows us to be ushered into His holy presence. We are fallen, sinful beings....how it is possible for us to enter His presence and not be utterly destroyed---that is amazing grace in action, right there!!! But even more ~ once we get there God reveals Himself to us further. He shows us His awesomeness and then fills us with more of His Spirit to revive us and give us renewed life. We are then motivated to repentance with perpetuates us to fall on our faces in TOTAL SURRENDER and adoration of such incredible merciful God. It is almost too much for me to comprehend.
When I see God as He is, I am in the perfect light to see myself as I really am...every possibility of human goodness flees me in the presence of God's glory. I am humbled and therefore able to really enter into worship of my Creator and Savior. Humility gets a bad rap in our modern-day times. It's viewed as being weak. But the opposite of humility is pride. Daniel 4:37 says, "...those who walk in pride, He is able to humble." God hates pride. It leaves no room for Him. It is one of the biggest obstacles that can get in the way of our relationship with Christ. Thankfully, God is faithful to remove the obstacles when we draw near to Him and ask Him to. Hallelujah!
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