Saturday, January 31, 2009

Letting Go

Last night at Jacob's basketball game a woman introduced herself as the Mom of one of Emily's friends.  She then proceeded to inform me that Emily was planning to go to her house on Sat. to get ready for Homecoming and her date (first one) with a bunch of other girls.  This woman was inviting me to join she and some other parents for appetizers and drinks while the girls were primping and taking pictures.  I was completely caught off guard!  Everything in me wanted to scream "Are you kidding me?"  Doesn't my little girl want to get ready for her first official date at home with me and my help???  The idea of socializing with a bunch of other adults that I don't even know while my daughter prepares for a milestone moment in her life three rooms down the hall?....well let's just say this is NOT what I had imagined in my heart.  
All the way home I was desperately trying to sort out my emotions.  Thankfully Emily was not in the car - or I might have grounded her for life (kidding)!  But I have to say it is a bit surreal to have your sweet little baby just grow up in a heartbeat and want so much independence from you without even batting an eyelash!  Then it hit me....this is how it's supposed to be - isn't it?  My job as a mom is to raise her as best as I can so she can begin to pull away in healthy independence and do things on her own.  Something tells me that when my children begin to live out their independence, it's rarely going to look like I thought it would - good or bad.  Just because she isn't just like me or doesn't do things exactly as I would have at her age, or want her to....that really doesn't make these experiences bad - they're just a lot different than I had expected.  
Unmet expectations are tough to deal with sometimes, aren't they??  "Hope deferred makes the heart sick"  is what Proverbs says and that can be the case at times in life.  So it is always best to HOPE IN THE LORD...because that hope will never be deferred or leave you wanting.  Letting go can be a tough one for a mom who loves her children with all her heart....but you're not merely letting go - you're LETTING GOD take them and run with them.  That little "d" you add to make 'go' into 'God'  stands for dependence, my dependence on HIM, her dependence on also stands for deepening - the deepening of my faith and my trust in MY MIGHTY GOD who is FAITHFULL AND TRUE!  So tonight I'll be trusting Him.

Friday, January 30, 2009


Luke 2:19 "But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart."

I have always loved this portion of Scripture...I suppose it's because I'm such a sentimental person.  I love to recall & remember the experiences of life....whether good, bad, fun, difficult, exciting, sorrowful or just plain mundane.  I think Mary's example is worthy to be noted.  There is always something for us to take and ponder from the life that God gives us.  He is always changing us, blessing us, teaching us, always giving us the grace we need to make it through life. 

This blog is simply my way of recounting the undeserved grace-filled life that God has so mercifully given to will most likely be a combination of ramblings from an ordinary woman/wife/mom/...but I am forever grateful to be each one of those things!   It will also be a palette for a "girl who has been saved by grace" to paint a portrait of God's gloriousness for all to gaze upon.  He is my strength and MY SONG....and I will FOREVER SING HIS PRAISES!!!