Eighteen years ago today I became a mom.
I remember that day SO clearly. The excitement, the anticipation, the questions, the fears....and, of course the wondering : What will he be like? Will he be healthy? Will I be a good mommy? Who's eyes will he have? Needless to say, there are a lot of questions when you embark on the road we call parenthood. 21 hours of labor was a long time, but in the end it was definitely worth it!
Never could I have imagined how much joy this little one would bring to my heart!
Watching him grow up over the years has been quite the adventure. It's amazing how fast the years have gone by. It really doesn't seem like it's been all that long. From preschool to gradeschool to junior high and now high school I've seen him grow physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually....and I am SO PROUD of the man he is becoming! Praying over Jacob has been one of my top priorities since the day he entered this world. It is a daunting task, to say the least, when you are faced with raising a child. For me, the only thing to do was bathe his life and mine in prayer to the One who created us both. My times of prayer for Jacob, over the years, have been such a blessing! Just knowing that I could intercede on his behalf and trust that God would be faithful to both of us - NO MATTER WHAT!!!
Jacob is a testament to God's faithfulness today because of who he is. One of the things I love the most about Jacob is his incredible ability to see beyond the surface in those around him. It's like he can somehow sense exactly what others need from him, in any given situation, and then he generously gives exactly that and then some. He is a servant at heart, always. He is a strong, yet gentle leader. He has a strong desire to worship God with his whole being and an amazing voice to go with that passion!
I know God has some outstanding plans for Jacob's life. It is an exciting time when you're 18. Lots of new paths to choose from, and many opportunities to decide on. As I have done for the past 18+ years I will continue to pray over this beautiful child of mine....asking God to protect, guide, nurture and prosper him into the man He is shaping him to be. God has faithfully taken this little boy who was so filled with wonder and awe at the God who rescued Daniel from the hungry lion's and He has fashioned him into a spirit-filled, passionate seeker of Him. I know God will be faithful to complete the glorious work He began in Jacob all those years ago when he knelt in his bedroom and surrendered his life to Christ. Praise Him!