There are moments in life that catch me by surprise sometimes. Especially the ones that cause you to sit and ponder how fast life really does go. This weekend it occured to me how much I miss having all 5 of us together, engaging one another in conversation and just plain enjoying each other. We had a rare occasion where we all happened to be in the TV room watching some silly thing on TV...and it caused me to pause and really soak up the moment. With three VERY busy teens in our home (plus an exchange student) it can be weeks between times that we all actually get to sit and enjoy anything with all 5 of us present and accounted for. It is interesting how life ebbs & flows in and out of various stages along the way-----------it really wasn't all that long ago that I recall the, almost insurmountable, task of "feeding, bathing, dressing & putting into bed" three small children. Not to mention the exhaustion (physically, mentally & emotionally) that Mark and I would be left with after all the drinks of water, trips to go potty and extra bedtime kisses & hugs that were required in every nightly ritual. That stage gave way into the very structured segment of life that came with gradeschool. A time when things would go pretty smoothly, sort-of like a well-oiled machine. Lots of family time and lots of fun! -----------And here we are, well-into the teen years and I find myself longing for those days when things were more simple and predictable. I SO miss being asked that familiar request of, "Mommy, can you lay down with me and talk to me until I fall asleep?", or, "Mom, come play Lego's with me!". It can be tough on a mom's tender heart to watch her children grow up and pull away little by little. It is how it's supposed to go, though - much to my heart's dismay. They must grow up and become more independent. It's exciting to watch them move on to bigger goals in life and have successes and even some defeats here and there, as they establish their own identities in the "grown-up" world. But, how I relish those times when they long to spend some time together and just be kids. I am so grateful to have them at all...they are truly a blessing from above! I can't imagine life without them. God uses them to teach me so much in life. Sometimes I wonder who's doing more learning....me - or them? Thankfully we are learning and growing together as God uses us to encourage and sharpen one another in the process. This morning, I am praising God for my family. God is good!